My book "Uninhabitable; a case for caution" was the product over 10 years of research into the risks associated with climate change, as it pertained to the insurance industry.

My job was to look at the facts as they were presented by accredited scientific research and to assign a risk factor that would allow a profitable price to be established to issue policies to insured lives, homes and businesses from possible damages associated with future climate change events.

Needless to say my studies led me to some very frightening conclusions. Much like Las Vegas bookie, my assignment required a very serious appraisal of what was likely to be the outcome of future events, with the profitability of my company, depending on the accuracy of my predictions.

The most disturbing discovery was that, the conclusions my studies led me to, had very little in common with the information available in the media and the common perceptions of people in the street.

This eventually led my research away from purely scientific disciplines.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Global Warming pt.1

OK, so I’ve been real good. I haven’t went off like a sky rocket in ever so long. I’ve been living the rant-free lifestyle, but the need has grown strong and I can no longer resist the dark side. Where-o-where  to begin?

For starters, I would like to know how,  the entire environmental movement, together with a few other little things like droughts, killer storms, floods, famine, melting icecaps, volcanoes, earthquakes, loss of species, ocean anoxia to name just a few,  somehow  get bunched together under the  benign sounding catch-all of global warming.  No wonder nobody seems to cares about the irreversible  damage that's being done to the planet. Environmental issues have dropped like a rock off opinion poll about what’s important to Americans.

Global warming? What’s the big emergency? After all, a little warmer in the summer, a little less snow in the winter?  When people hear that we must address global warming to the detriment of our economy or inconveniences to our personal lifestyle, many just don't get it.  And can you blame them?
But, you say,  the polar bears are having a tough time with this moderate warming trend? Well, the little ones are cute, there is no denying that. The big ones, on the other hand, are big and mean and eat baby seals. Let them get 4-20-2010 3-49-17 PMtheir own air-conditioning. Isn’t one of those oldie-time movie stars raising money for those cute ones, anyway?

Global warming sounds so comfy. Had a tough day? How about a foot massage and a nice global warming? And if you live in a colder climate, it sounds downright inviting. When you’re in snow up to a tall Indian’s totem,  and your bunghole’s puckering up and freezing over it’s hard to get super hyped -up about the good fight against evil global warming. For some it’s a fight not to do a little jig.

Known for massive ice sheets, Greenland, is loving the effects of global warming. The rising temperatures have expanded the island's growing season and crops are flourishing. For the first time in hundreds of years, it has become possible to raise cattle and start dairy farms. As the climate changes it will be beneficial in several areas of the globe. The problem is,  these fortunate areas are not where most of earth’s population live or crops are grown and of course climate change is not going to stop there. Someday, these fortunate locations can expect a lot of company, and they are going to be hungry.

What has happened? On the first earth day, 40 years ago there were 20 million angry collage students demonstrating in the streets, demanding  the government put the  brakes on the run-a-way train of environmental destruction. We  insisted they stand up to greedy corporations, who didn’t feel they should have to pay for cleaning up after them self's. And we made the government listen. For a while the corporation were forced to modify their antisocial behavior. But they were pouty about it. Soon, they began to plot to circumvent these pesky restrictions. Who were we to tell them, they couldn’t screw every single living thing on this planet, if there was a good profit in it.

For a while there, we kept a pretty close eye on them. They couldn’t just make due the old fashion way, buy off the politicians, finance campaigns against  anyone that had enough integrity to resist their bribes. The whole trouble was the system. See, all the players knew, we could vote out the political flunkies, if they rolled over and spread-em in public. But the corporations were fast learners and had unlimited bankrolls. They wondered if they could beat the system. Was there a way they  could buy it? If they ganged up together, pooled their resources, their banks, television networks, Insurance Companies, newspaper empires, financial institution, captains of industry, energy companies, you know the guys down at the club, The good old white boys club. They decided that if they consolidated their power, merged, conglomerated  and diversified they could scam the system. But it could not be done over night…

They would need to be patient, bide their time, let thing settle down a bit. So they took the show on the road for a while. They bought a dictator here and there, toppled a government or two and found that buying foreign politicians was a productive business model almost everywhere.  So they systematically did all the thing to the planet they could not get away with here,. Fun stuff, but they still had a boner for the system back home and at last, many had began to relax their vigil.  Now was the time to strike.. 

First they would need soulless minions to misdirect, confuse, distort and misstate the facts so that the political henchmen could slip the knife in without being caught red-handed boffing  us.  The first order of business would be to gut all  truth in advertising regulations. The minions pulled it off, all the while screaming freedom of speech and protect our rights. Now it was the American way to lie and mislead, to label bills and propositions the exact opposite of what they were intended to achieve.  They knew that even the most outrageous lie, if repeated on TV often enough, would be believed by many in a population to lazy to look closer. Let me give you a couple of examples;

Who in their right mind wouldn’t vote for a bill called; The Taxpayers Right to Vote Act. Jeez, you would have to be some kind of communist not to vote for a bill like that. And the boys will spend millions asking; “Don’t you want the right to vote?” But the bill is designed to make your vote useless, against the power companies. If  you cannot  overcome their huge advertising budgets and get a two-thirds majority, your community cannot shop around for alternative sources of energy.
Proposition 16, the New Two-Thirds Requirement for Local Public Electricity Providers Act is on the June 8, 2010 ballot in California as an initiated constitutional amendment..
Pacific Gas & Electric is the primary financial sponsor of the initiative, having contributed $28.5 million through March 26, 2010. That makes PG&E the Goliath in a David-v-Goliath battle, since Prop 16's opponents have raised $40,000 through late March.
By voting “Yes!” on prop 16, you gain absolutely no more rights than you had before, you only make it harder for local and state governments to turn your tax dollars into something useful: cheap power for you. The name “California Taxpayers Right to Vote Act” is a misleading name designed to dupe the voters  into voting for higher energy prices and less competition in the energy market.

The California Jobs Initiative; Isn’t that a great sounding bill? What kind of stupid a-hole would vote against a job initiative bill when California's unemployment is 12%. Well, you should for one and tweet your friends too.
This bill, backed by big oil companies is designed to circumvent  Assembly Bill 32, that was signed into law in2007 , The Global Warming Solutions Act Establishes first-in-the-world comprehensive program of regulatory and market mec4-23-2010 4-42-48 AMhanisms to
achieve real, quantifiable, cost-effective reductions of greenhouse gases (GHG). Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32) makes the Air Resources Board (ARB) responsible for monitoring and reducing GHG emissions. Continues the existing Climate Action Team to coordinate statewide efforts.

All the most rigorous research done so far on AB 32's economic impact agrees that the law will have a small but positive impact on the state's jobs. That California households will save money by using products that are  more energy efficient — such as appliances that use less electricity and cars that use less gasoline — and they will be able to spend that savings on other goods and services, which will create jobs. In addition, generating energy savings by doing things like retrofitting buildings produces more domestic jobs than generating fossil fuel energy.

The currant law has already brought over three billion in venture capital into the state with much more projected. So, The California Jobs Initiative has little to do with jobs and everything to do with big oil not wanting to clean up their refineries. The bill would gut the 2007 Global Warming Situation Act, that we manage to get past tremendous opposition. It would be suspended until unemployment rates drop below 5.5%  for more than 4 consecutive quarters. Considering the economy and that the energy companies are huge employers in the state and capable of influencing unemployment rates, that could take a long time.  You think? These deceptive bills are being sold across America, at every voting cycle and the only way to stop them is an informed public. Where are our 20 million collage students now?

Well folks, I haven’t even got to the really scary stuff you never wanted to know about global warming. But I’m going to have to leave you for a while. Being a recovering rant junky, my home is suppose to be a rant free zone. I think my wife may have heard me mumbling to myself or slamming my fist on the desk, because she just stomped in and ask, Have you been ranting again?  No dear, I said, Just watching porn. You better be! she said. I may have fooled her for a moment but the woman is mean as a snake and smarter than she looks. So, for now I must say... 4-29-2010 7-43-01 PM

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