My book "Uninhabitable; a case for caution" was the product over 10 years of research into the risks associated with climate change, as it pertained to the insurance industry.

My job was to look at the facts as they were presented by accredited scientific research and to assign a risk factor that would allow a profitable price to be established to issue policies to insured lives, homes and businesses from possible damages associated with future climate change events.

Needless to say my studies led me to some very frightening conclusions. Much like Las Vegas bookie, my assignment required a very serious appraisal of what was likely to be the outcome of future events, with the profitability of my company, depending on the accuracy of my predictions.

The most disturbing discovery was that, the conclusions my studies led me to, had very little in common with the information available in the media and the common perceptions of people in the street.

This eventually led my research away from purely scientific disciplines.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Earth Day Speaking Engagement

Hey everyone, hope you have a happy and productive Earth day. I will be at Barnes & Noble on Maryland Parkway in Las Vegas on the 20th signing books from 4 to 7 pm, and I will be at the Harvard Club on Wednesday evening the 22nd for a charity authors event. If you are in the area please stop by and say hello.

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